How to rejuvenate a Reunion institution that hasn’t changed in 50 years without losing its soul? Change the bottle for one that is more modern and bring it to life by launching special collector editions and reinforce with digital activations.

How to rejuvenate a Reunion institution that hasn’t changed in 50 years without losing its soul? Change the bottle for one that is more modern and bring it to life by launching special collector editions and reinforce with digital activations.
Strategic advice, design/creation of operations, limited edition packaging, digital activation.
Strategic advice, design/creation of operations (launch, restaurant openings, product launches, Community Management and editing.
Advice, design/creation of image and activation campaigns, story-telling, media application and in-store dramatization for the Reunion-based condiment brand Corbeille d’Or (oil and sauces).
Strategic advice, design/creation, web design, Brand film, OP Trade, street marketing.
Improve Hennessy brand notoriety in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana to a premium, male and urban target through a programmatic campaign fully built by the agency.
How to standardize SAF-INSTANT branding through the creation of a dedicated approach for Africa? We’ve created a global charter to be used by local agencies in order to get more consistency on the content produced even locally.
How to increase notoriety of the Laicran Facebook page, Senegalese milk market leader? Launch a contest during important 2023 local holidays: Saint Valentine’s Day, Ramadan, Eid.
We’ve managed to get Brasseries Bourbon the Guinness World Record for the longest picnic table in la Réunion through a never seen before activation where all the core fans of the brands where invited to a crazy picnic in la Réunion.
Lactalis has trusted Blue Lions to launch and manage social media channels for their leading camembert brand: Président. You can find creative recipes on a dedicated Facebook page and listen to Karelle, one of the leading food influencers in West & Central Africa.
Blue Lions is managing Ballantine’s social channels in order to increase engagement and reach new horizons.
Blue Lions Morocco is working closely with Pernod Ricard to produce crafty content for The Blend Society platform, an exclusive club for epicureans.
Castel Frères has trusted Blue Lions to manage content production and media buying for their Facebook channel in West & Central Africa.
Blue Lions launched and is managing the Tefal Algeria Facebook page for the Seb Group, including recipe production, media buying and global content production.
Blue Lions helped the Seb Group to build a specific Ramadan campaign for Algeria. Starring TV host and cooking influencer Sherazade, the campaign was broadcast on Samira TV as well as Facebook, and the brands were the most-watched during this period in their category.
Blue Lions is managing the social media strategy for La Croissanterie, a fast-food chain in West-Africa.
Blue Lions is partnering with the Bel Group to manage The Laughing Cow’s digital and offline activations across South-Africa through very innovative VR events.
In the Ivory Coast, Blue Lions is working with SNCV to manage communications for Waraba, the country’s biggest biscuit brand.